Rue du Trône 98,
1050 Brussels, Belgium
+32 (0) 2 887 94 10
Dr. Andrea Mogni brings more than three decades of experience of working in the European Commission in different roles covering a wide range of topics including trade, economic relations, international relations, development and third country funding.
He worked as a Senior Policy Coordinator and Senior Financial Expert at the European External Action Services (EEAS), where he was focusing on programming and financing instruments with the EU’s neighboring countries and countries in transition. Earlier he covered EU relations with the OECD, UN, IFIs and regional economic organizations and banks. He has also served in the EU Delegation and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
He is a Senior Expert at the Global Governance Institute. He is a Member of Triffin International Foundation and on the Advisory Board of PCDI. He holds a Degree in Law from the University of Genoa and a Degree in Economics from the University of Rome.